January 19, 2006

Christmas Day - Proudly sponsored by..

January 18, 2006

Jarrod you're a corker mate

Whether he wants me to or not, I'm posting a pic that Jarrod sent back to me recently. I laughed for about 5 minutes solid.

Can't wait til you get over here Jarrod.. we need more humour like yours! (Wait, what am I saying..??)

January 12, 2006

Some random night between Christmas and New Year

Can't remember why but we decided to have a few drinks - I know I wasn't working at the time. Dylan had his friend Tommy over from Austin and we decided Bailey's in wine glasses was just the ticket - whilst they got ready for G.A.Y - and we danced the night away to Mariah, Whitney and of course, Kylie.

Dylan, breaking all the house rules. No loud music. No jumping on the bed.

Shittiest photo of me. I look like I'm afraid. And I am..... of the Baileys.

January 11, 2006

Getting away from Christmas for a sec

This is one of my favourite photos so far. I know V will hate it, but, it TOTALLY sums up us minutes before getting on the flight. Tired. Emotional. And over pompous fucking Brits CUTTING IN LINE!!!!

Christmas 2005

To demonstrate how drunk we were let's see a photo we attempted to take

Not once

(Yes, that's food in my face... AS USUAL)

Not twice

But indeed, three times

This is my lovely housemate Megs.. she's 3 months older than me, could talk the leg off a dog and is as country as they come. Love 'er.

Somehow I think Andy was getting a little annoyed with being dragged into hundreds of photos. Nah.... he loved it.

Part of the motley crew.

More to follow soon!

My first real snow experience (from 27/12)

so surreal...

This is Fleetwood Rd, looking out of Vanessa's bedroom window. It looked so pretty in real life, this photo doesn't do it justice.

Our backyard from my window.. it wasn't a big snow fall, but still, enough to entice me out of bed to take these photos!